The Best Practices for Accelerating Tissue Repair Post-Injury

The Best Practices for Accelerating Tissue Repair Post-Injury

The Best Practices for Accelerating Muscle Tissue Repair 

Muscle tissue repair is an essential part of our body’s healing capabilities. Through this process, we recover faster during injuries and can function despite the many things our body experiences. But what exactly goes on in this process, and how can we heal and bounce back faster so our injuries don’t hold us back? Read below to find out. 

What is the process of tissue repair after an injury?

Tissue repair consists of two processes: regeneration and replacement.  Where regeneration is the restoration of damaged tissue back to normal, replacement is when tissues that can’t be regenerated are healed through scarring. Effective muscle tissue repair allows your body to heal with minimal long-term damage. That being said, certain healing processes can have long-lasting abnormalities after injury, depending on the damage. 

The stages of tissue repair and wound healing include the following: 

  • Hemostasis - The wound closes via clotting to stop the bleeding. 
  • Inflammation - Stage that controls bleeding and prevents infection, with white blood cells fighting off bacteria in the wound. 
  • Proliferation - New tissues are built via collagen. 
  • Maturation - Collagen is remodelled, the wound fully heals, and the new tissue strengthens. 

While the body’s ability to heal wounds is incredible, it also slows down as we age. Therefore, it’s essential to know how (and if!) we can accelerate tissue repair to heal from our injuries even when we’re older. 

How do you accelerate tissue repair? 

Studies show that protein for tissue repair may help in accelerating the process. As proteins are the main building blocks of our bodies and are responsible for collagen and tissue formation, consuming a diet with enough protein may support faster healing. With this in mind, it’s best to consume food with higher protein content such as leafy greens, eggs, poultry, nuts and, salmon etc. Other crucial nutrients in wound healing include Vitamin C and omega-3 fats, so research what food you can implement that offers these must-have nutrients. 

 You must also do your best when it comes to wound care so you don’t worsen your injuries or prolong recovery. Effective wound aftercare often includes cleaning fresh wounds, getting necessary injections, taking prescribed medications, and adequately dressing your wound. Doing these things can help quicken the healing process and make you feel good as new after your injury. 

Learn more about accelerating muscle tissue repair with our health experts at BIOV8 Clinics! Book a consultation and get the best advice to help improve your health. 

Here’s to vibrant health and boundless energy!

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